Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesungsreihe Transkulturalität_mdw

Am 6. April 2016 startet die Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesungsreihe Transkulturalität_mdw in das Sommersemester 2016 mit dem Vortrag „Sammeln, Bewahren, Transformieren“ von Gerda Lechleitner und einem künstlerischen Beitrag von klezmer reloaded.


Download Folder Transkulturalität_mdw Sommersemester 2016 (pdf, 2.629KB)

Zur Website des Instituts für Volksmusikforschung und Ethnomusikologie

2015 im Rückblick

Die haben einen Jahresbericht 2015 für dieses Blog erstellt.

Hier ist ein Auszug:

Eine Cable Car in San Francisco fasst 60 Personen. Dieses Blog wurde in 2015 etwa 2.900 mal besucht. Eine Cable Car würde etwa 48 Fahrten benötigen um alle Besucher dieses Blogs zu transportieren.

Klicke hier um den vollständigen Bericht zu sehen.

Scores N°10 // Philosophy On Stage #4

Grafik_Philosophy on Stage_Scores N°10

Website with detailed programme now available:

From 26th-29th November 2015 in Halle G and the Studios of Tanzquartier Wien, the PEEK-Project* “Artist Philosophers. Philosophy AS Arts-Based-Research” and Tanzquartier Wien are joining forces to investigate emerging interdisciplinary connections between philosophy and the arts.

Over the course of four days, more than 60 philosophers and artists will come together to explore whether the arts in connection with philosophy can constitute a laboratory for the future.
Nietzsche envisioned a fusion of the resistant forces of both disciplines as a “foreplay of a philosophy of the future” which was to bring about a new, active concept of thinking: an active thinking of the untimely, that is, “acting in a non-present fashion, therefore against time and even on time, in favour (…) of a time to come”. (Deleuze: Nietzsche and Philosophy) Well, bring it on!
* Programme is still subject to change
Ticket reservation:
Book your ticket by email:
Elisabeth Schäfer

Please note: only 30 full festival tickets available!

Ticketprices [including refreshments and snacks]:

Tickets Rates*
Full festival ticket (26th-29th Nov. 2015) € 43 [€ 29*]
Day ticket (ticket for one full day on) 27th or 28th Nov. 2015 € 20 [€ 14*]
Eveningticket from 18:00h or Sunday matinée € 12 [€ 8*]

* reduced prices for students

Tanzquartier Wien Halle G & Tanzquartier Wien Studios, Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Vienna

Thursday, Nov. 26th 2015; 18:00–23:00
Friday, Nov. 27th 2015; 11:30–01:00 [Nov. 28th]
Saturday, Nov. 28th 2015; 11:30–01:00 [Nov. 29th]
Sunday, Nov. 29th 2015; 11:30–15:00

* Led by Arno Böhler, the PEEK-Projekt „Artist-Philosophers. Philosophy AS Arts-Based-Research“ [AR275-G21] is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) as part of the programme for artistic development and investigation (PEEK). Research location: University of Applied Arts Vienna. Brought about in national and international cooperation with: Jens Badura (HdK Zürich), Laura Cull (University of Surrey), Susanne Valerie Granzer (Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien/Max Reinhardt Seminar), Walter Heun (Tanzquartier Wien), Alice Lagaay (Universität Bremen): Postdoc: Elisabeth Schäfer (University of Applied Arts Vienna).

The lecture series was produced in collaboration with: Institut für Philosophie, University of Applied Arts Vienna [Arno Böhler], Institut für Theater- Film- und Medienwissenschaft der Universität Wien [Krassimira Kruschkova].

Further Information
FWF PEEK-Projekt-Website „Artist-Philosophers. Philosophy AS Arts-Based-Research“

Ticketreservations and Press relations:
Elisabeth Schäfer,